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【Show Case】Deluke Chemical - Digital Factory

By utilizing MetaCam's high-resolution scanning and user-friendly post-processing software, Skyland has successfully created a digital twin of the Deluke Chemical factory. This digital replica provides valuable insights into the factory's layout, equipment placement, and workflow. It enables real-time simulations, scenario testing, and data-driven decision-making.

The implementation of MetaCam in Deluke Chemical's factory exemplifies the transformative power of digital twin technology. By harnessing the capabilities of MetaCam, Skyland aims to empower the digital factory industry, facilitating improved process optimization, reduced downtime, and enhanced overall performance.

Skyland's foray into the digital factory realm signifies their commitment to pushing the boundaries of technological innovation. With MetaCam as a key enabler, they are well-positioned to drive the adoption of digital twin solutions across various industries, revolutionizing the way factories operate and paving the way for a more efficient and connected future.

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